How to Get Help With Your Marketing Plan

Going through a structured planning process and then writing and sharing your marketing plan will go a long way towards addressing many of the issues you struggle with to grow your brand.

Are you struggling with getting funding from potential investors?

Are you struggling with getting your employees engaged to support your goals?

Are you struggling with positioning your brand so it can compete effectively to win more business?

One way to sort this out is by thinking from the outside in and not from the inside out.

Try saying that five times fast!

What we mean is that understanding the implications of what’s happening in the world outside of your business is just as important as knowing what is happening on a day to day basis inside your business.

We live in a world where nothing stays the same for long.

That’s a good thing we think. It can also be uncomfortable––of course, we get that.

But, the best way to manage this is to spend time studying what is going on with your industry, your competitors, and your current and prospective customers. By doing so you’ll be gaining insights on what you need to do to gain an advantage and stop threats.

It is highly likely that you will need others to support your success. These people can range from employees to channel partners to bankers. Having a plan that you can talk about and/or share, will go a long way towards getting people to align behind the plans you’ve set out.

Think about this: is anyone going to give you money unless they feel you know what you’re going to do with it and the return they’ll get from you?


Okay, maybe your loved ones, I’ll give you that. But having a structured marketing plan is an essential part of this asking process.

Think about this: do your employees have an understanding of the whole picture of what you’re brand stands for and how they play a part in its success?

No, you say? Hey, that’s on you, my friend.

Put yourself in your employee’s shoes. Wouldn’t they be more effective if they knew the value your brand offers customers rather than just knowing their particular role?

What? It can’t be that easy.

Well, we’ll be honest, it isn’t easy to do, but you CAN do it (we promise!).

Online Business Foundations 101

In this course, you’ll develop basic literacy in the language of business, which you can use to start or grow your own small business.

Starting an online business can be fun and exciting. It can also be scary and confusing! The first step is to decide on a business–and this may be the hardest part, since there are so many to choose from.

We’ll provide plenty of templates to help you through each section!

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