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15 Strategies To Make Your Home Rental Business Successful

Pin 15 Strategies To Make Your Home Rental Business SuccessfulWhether it’s a full house, an apartment or even one (tiny!) room, the vacation rental and home rental business is getting larger and larger by the day. Between Airbnb, HomeAway, and FlipKey alone, there are nearly 4 million listings worldwide.

Perhaps you see an opportunity for yourself to start a home rental business. Go for it!! We did, eight years ago now, and we’ve been happy with the results.

We approached marketing our condominium by applying the same principles we teach to small business owners:

  1. Target: Who do we want to appeal to and, by definition, who could we not serve well?
  2. Product: What do we want to provide in terms of amenities?
  3. Pricing: How much to charge, under what terms and conditions and payment options?
  4. Channels: Which reservation services do we select? (e.g., HomeAway, Airbnb, local tourism platform)
  5. Marketing and Message: How do we promote ourselves to distinguish us from the competition?

Here are some basic strategies and tips we’ve learned since starting our home rental business:

Certainly horror stories are written every day about renting a private place. There are risks for both the renter and to you. We like to think about this business as less about making money (although yes we do) but about having guests enjoy their stay with us. It helps us stay grounded on what we need to do… which is to provide a great experience for them.

You can download a free copy of the Booking Confirmation & Rental Agreement we use and 15 renting tips in a PDF here. Disclaimer: this guide is for informational purposes only and does not provide legal advice.

All the best if you decide to go into starting a home rental business, or if you’re already doing it, have a great season! Please feel free to share your tips!

Booking Confirmation & Rental Agreement

Download our guide for some strategies and tips we've learned since starting our home rental business.

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